Body positivity has been a hot topic for many years I think since social media has really played a crucial role in many young peoples lies the influence that they faced with can sometimes bring about feelings of negative body perception.
Social media and video and photography editing tools that are used in professional pictures can sometimes betray an unrealistic body composition which many ignorant and immature younger people would attempt to re-enact through dangerous procedures and sometimes even starvation.
The girls at London escorts at Charlotte basildon escorts want to help to promote a healthy mindset towards body images on social media and have now started a campaign where they get to show off their bodies the good bits and bad. London ascots believe that in showing both the good sides of their bodies and other parts that they find a little bit more in perfect it would help other girls to be less ashamed of parts of their body that they Do you not think are perfect.
So London escorts started this campaign bye posting pictures of the sale lights on their bodies and others he didn’t have cellulite posted pictures of their stretchmarks. They had a really cool hash tag which was #ILoveMyselfAnyway. I thought this was pretty cute and well played by the girls at London escorts.
I think London Tesco’s understood there was a target market which was definitely the preteens to adolescence who were mainly the ones he suffered from negative body perception. To London escort it sounded crazy to think that people so young could be so heavily influenced in such a negative way when the reality is their bodies during that time is the most perfect and prime it will ever be. A lot of the girls in London escort‘s found it so sad that so many young people didn’t understand that.
So on social media the girls from London escort set up forums where they would talk about body positivity how they learn to love themselves regardless of what peoples had said about them or how they were teased when they were younger. This is all in hope that people would be able to relate to the girls stories and it would make sense to them and hopefully change their minds about their negative body image.
Unfortunately the girls from London escorts have known of young girls and even all the women who have unfortunately suffered so much due to body negativity that even some of them have become extremely sick and unfortunately the girls know of one woman in her early 20s even passed away due to anorexia. The girls in London escorts don’t want to see any more these disasters happening they really want to make a change and feel that the best way to do that is to use the platform that brought the insecurities in the first place to fight back against them. In using the social media platform they able to reach so many people and affect many more lives.