I know that London escorts offer great value for money AND a great service.

As a madame in the London escorts business, I know that London escorts offer great value for money AND a great service. The simple truth is that a lot of elite escorts in London over bill their dates. Okay, I understand their motives. It is really expensive to have a boudoir or an apartment in London, pay tax and travel around London, but I do think that some of the most expensive agencies around London are way over the top. Surely, you don’t need to offer vintage champagne and designer dresses for a guy to have some serious adult fun? I have always operated London escorts agencies, and I know that the guys who have come to spend time with my London escorts, have enjoyed themselves just as much as they have with their fine elite escorts. I would much rather have more dates, and less hassle. Working with elite escorts always seem to be mean more hassle than working with London escorts.


Are my girls sexy? Yes, my girls are just as sexy as the elite girls. If you were to put a couple of London escorts from https://www.cityofeve.org in an elite girls setting in central London, you would not notice the difference at all. It is just a matter of the name of the “neighbourhood” as they say in America. Chelsea might be posh, but does it make the escorts any sexier? No, it doesn’t. The truth is that cheap escorts in London are sexy young ladies. Some of them may not have as much experience, but I have to say that many guys prefer that. A lot of the girls who work for agencies which charge less, seem to be able to give a much more genuine experience. I know this is true after having spoken to many guys who have dated elite escorts. They say that many of the girls that they have dated are a bit like robots – my girls are nothing like that.


What about on a night out? The girls at my agencies are all capable of delivering a good night out. They may not turn up in Chanel dresses, but they will turn up with a smile on their faces. I think that is a lot sexier than Chanel dresses personally. More than anything, my London escorts are always ready to have some fun. The girls really don’t care if you take them for Pie and Mash, or take them to the Savoy. They are ready for anything when it comes to escorting. What I also really like about my girls is that they can chat. Most guys really like a good chat as well, and if you put an elite escort next to one of my girls, she may come across a bit stiff. This is not really what it is all about. The industry is after all called the adult entertainment industry, and is all about adult fun. My London escorts appreciate that without anyone telling them.


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